
Los países árabes reunidos en La Meca acuerdan enfrentar "las amenazas iraníes"

03 Jun 2019
Arabia Saudí
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
OK diario
Es posible que nuevas transformaciones estratégicas en la región árabe puedan tener efectos más allá del enfrentamiento con Irán.
Las cumbres de emergencia árabes y del Golfo en La Meca demostraron los cambios políticos y estratégicos en la región al enfrentar las crecientes tensiones provocadas por el comportamiento de Irán.

Vicecanciller iraní comienza en Omán una gira por el golfo Pérsico

27 Mayo 2019
Sputnik Mundo
El vicecanciller iraní, Abás Araqchi, visitó el sultanato de Omán en el marco de una gira por los países de la región en medio del deterioro de las relaciones con Estados Unidos, informó el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Omán a través de su cuenta de Twitter.
Según el ministerio, Araqchi mantuvo conversaciones con el ministro Yusef Ben Alavi, durante las cuales se discutió "la cooperación bilateral, los problemas y los acontecimientos en la región".
El diplomático iraní planea también visitar Catar y Kuwait.

Irán está dispuesto a negociar con los países del Golfo pero no con EEUU

27 Mayo 2019
Arabia Saudí
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
El viceministro iraní de Asuntos Exteriores, Abás Araqchí, aseguró hoy que Irán está dispuesto a negociar con todos los países del golfo Pérsico pero no con Estados Unidos, coincidiendo con un repunte de la tensión en la región.
"No hay conversaciones directas o indirectas con EEUU, pero estamos preparados para negociar con todos y cada uno de los países del golfo Pérsico", dijo el viceministro sobre los Estados vecinos entre los que se encuentran algunos rivales de Irán como Arabia Saudí y Emiratos Árabes Unidos.

Omán afirma que busca reducir la tensión entre EEUU e Irán

24 Mayo 2019
Sputnik Mundo
Omán, junto con otros países, intenta reducir la tensión entre EEUU e Irán, declaró el ministro de Exteriores del sultanato, Yousef bin Alawi bin Abdullah, en una entrevista con la revista Macala.
"Nosotros, junto con otras partes, nos esforzamos por disminuir la tensión entre Washington y Teherán. Existe el peligro de una guerra, y ambas partes, EEUU e Irán, están conscientes del peligro de un mayor reparto", dijo Alawi.

93% of Omanis support Iran’s nuclear deal: PSB Survey

16 Abr 2016
Times of Oman

Muscat: Young Omanis are the strongest supporters of Iran’s nuclear deal, among other young Arabs, a major survey of youth across the Middle East has found.

While Arabs are divided on the Iranian nuclear deal and the Syrian conflict, a whopping 93 per cent of Oman’s youth from Muscat and Al Batinah, whose government played a critical role in brokering the deal between Tehran and the international community, have shown support for their government’s involvement in the issue.

Oman and Saudi Arabia review bilateral cooperation

11 Mar 2016
Arabia Saudí
Times of Oman

Riyadh: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, of Saudi Arabia received here on Thursday Sayyid Badr bin Saud bin Harib Al Busaidi, Minister Responsible for Defence Affairs and his GCC counterparts representatives of the countries taking part in the concluding military exercise 'Ra'ad Al Shamal' at King Khalid Military City.

Khalid Al Mawali re-elected as Majlis Al Shura chairman

04 Nov 2015
Times of Oman

Muscat: Khalid bin Hilal Al Mawali has been reelected as the chairman of Majlis Al Shura for the period from 2015 to 2019.

Al Mawali who is a representative of Wadi Al Maawil won against five members. He got 59 votes out of 84 total votes.

The candidates were Saleh Al Kithairy of Thumrait, Mohammed Al Busaidi of Bausher, Ahmed Al Haddabi of Bidbid and Mohammed Al Kindi of Nakhal. Two candidates withdrew before voting started.

e-voting system proving efficient, says Chairman of Main Committee for Majlis Al Shura elections in Oman

26 Oct 2015
Times of Oman

Muscat: Khalid bin Hilal bin Saud Al Busaidi, Under Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, Chairman of the Main Committee for the Majlis Al Shura eighth term elections said that the voting process, which started this morning at all wilayats of the Sultanate, is going very smoothly without any hindrances. As per the communications we have with the election centers, voters started turning-out to the polling stations since 7 am.

Oman election: ‘Majlis Al Shura needs to have a bigger voice’

26 Oct 2015
Times of Oman

Muscat: Omani citizens hope that the new Majlis Al Shura members get more privileges in terms of having their voices heard.

Speaking to the Times of Oman, Essa Al Riyami, a voter, said, “Elected Majlis Al Shura members represent the people, so they should have some rights to monitor government activities and projects.”

“But I hope people vote for the best and able candidates,” he said

Woman wins seat in Oman's Majlis Al Shura elections

26 Oct 2015
Times of Oman

Muscat: Nemah bint Jamiel bin Farhan Al Busaidiyah, female candidate from Seeb has once again won in the eighth Majlis Al Shura elections.

She was declared winner along with the male candidate Hilal bin Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sarmi .

She was the only winner in the 2011 elections.

In 2015,there were 20 women candidates from the 590 candidates who contested for 85 seats.

Majlis Al Shura elections: Complete list of winners announced

26 Oct 2015
Times of Oman

Muscat: The Main Committee for the Majlis Al Shura’s eighth term elections has announced the complete list of winners.

Wilayat of Dhank: Hamood Ahmed Hamid Al Yahyai

Wilayat of Wadi Al Maawil: Khalid bin Hilal bin Nassir Al Maawali

Wilayat of Mahda: Khalid bin Ahmed bin Said Al Sa'adi

Wilayat of Sumail: Abdullah bin Hamoud bin Salim Al Nadabi and Younis bin Ya'aqoob bin Issa Al Siyabi

Wilayat of Bukha: Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Abdullah Al Malik

Wilayat of Wadi Bani Khalid: Ahmed bin Hussein bin Khamas al-Sa'adi

Majlis Al Shura elections: Salalah to elect two representatives from among eight candidates

25 Oct 2015
Times of Oman

Salalah: In the Wilayat of Salalah, voters headed to the ballot boxes to elect two representatives among the eight candidates. The number of male and female voters stood at 32,818.

Four election centres are prepared to receive voters, namely Khoula bint Hakeem School in West Salalah, A'Sa'adah School in A'Sa'adah, Zeik School in the Niyabat of Zeik and Ghado School in the Niyabat of Ghado.
