
Anti-Maliki protests continue in Iraq

28 Dic 2012
Al Jazeera

Tens of thousands of Iraqis have taken part in protests along a major western highway and in other parts of the country in fresh rallies against the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Massive demonstrations took place along a major highway near the city of Fallujah on Friday, declaring the day a "Friday of honor."

The rallies appear to be the largest yet in a week of demonstrations, intensifying pressure on the Shia-led government.

The people want the downfall of the regime

IHEC approves 23 political entities

22 Nov 2012

 The IHEC approves (23) PEs that presented their request to participate in GCEs which take place on 20 April. Next year.

Mr. Moqdad Al Sharify, CEO declared that the number of political entity approved by the IEHC are (23) political entity and the IHEC still accept requests from a different entities according to the procedures and regulations that adopted by IHEC.

The IHEC Opened the political entity registration untill 25 November after approved the certification regulation of the PE and coalition.

 Aliaa Kamil

La oposición iraquí presenta un proyecto de ley para limitar los mandatos de Maliki

13 Nov 2012

Los rivales del primer ministro iraquí, Nuri al Maliki, han comenzado una campaña para limitar el número de mandatos a fin de evitar que el líder chií pueda ser candidato para un tercer período de Gobierno en 2014.

   "Un proyecto de ley ha sido presentado ante el Parlamento con el respaldo de más de 30 legisladores", ha declarado el legislador del Bloque Sadr, Amir al Kinani. El proyecto de ley presentado ante el Parlamento limitaría a dos mandatos el período de gobierno del primer ministro.
