
Single candidacy seats might increase for Egypt’s next parliament

09 Mar 2015
Ahram Online

The committee responsible for amending the Election Constituency Division Law seeks to increase the number of seats elected as single candidates from 420 to 440, a member of the committee told Al-Ahram Arabic news website on Sunday.


The Parliamentary Elections law as it is now allocates 420 seats to be elected as single candidates and 120 for party lists, in addition to 27 to be appointed by the president upon recommendations from respective state councils and professional syndicates.

Anulada la ley que impedía ser diputados a los egipcios con doble nacionalidad

07 Mar 2015
Europa Press

El Tribunal Supremo Constitucional de Egipto ha anulado la ley que prohibía a los ciudadanos con doble nacionalidad ser candidatos a las elecciones legislativas por considerarla una norma inconstitucional, ha informado el diario estatal egipcio 'Al Ahram'. 

Este dictamen abre la puerta a un nuevo aplazamiento de las elecciones legislativas después de que un tribunal administrativo ordenara paralizar todos los preparativos para la cita con las urnas.

Two ways to deal with ruling declaring election laws unconstitutional

04 Mar 2015
El Shorouq, Ahram Online

The Court declared Article 3 of the law on electoral districting unconstitutional, which means it must be amended before the coming parliamentary elections are rescheduled, days before they were due to start. 

The ruling could be seen as just a technical glitch that can be rectified by forming a committee, amending two or three articles of the law, and rescheduling election procedures. Seen this way, it’s a simple matter of little concern.

Egypt's administrative court makes parliamentary election delay official

03 Mar 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's administrative court on Tuesday ordered a halt to all preparations for parliamentary elections previously scheduled to start on 21 March.

 The administrative court ordered the High Election Commission (HEC) to cease all its preliminary preparations for the elections in accordance with Sunday’s Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) decision that deemed parts of the electoral laws unconstitutional.

Following the SCC's decision, the HEC referred its rulings to the administrative court for a final legal review.

Committee to begin reviewing elections law after court deemed it unconstitutional

02 Mar 2015
Aswat Masriya

 Egypt's Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb ordered on Monday the formation of a committee to re-draft the constituency law, which was deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Constitutional Court on Sunday.

The committee is headed by Transitional Justice Minister Ibrahim al-Heneidi, according to a cabinet statement.

Mehleb said the amendments to the law should come in line with the regulations and standards set by the court in its ruling.

El Constitucional de Egipto fuerza la suspensión de las legislativas

01 Mar 2015
El País

Después de más de dos años y medio sin Parlamento, la formación de la nueva Asamblea Popular de Egipto deberá esperar aún más tiempo del previsto. El domingo por la mañana, el Tribunal Constitucional declaró inconstitucional la ley electoral que debía regir las elecciones legislativas, cuya primera vuelta estaba prevista para los próximos días 22 y 23 de marzo. El fallo obliga a suspender los comicios, la última etapa de la hoja de ruta de la transición aprobada tras el golpe de Estado del Estado de julio del 2013, hasta la aprobación de una nueva normativa.

Egypt's political parties blame government for imminent election delay

01 Mar 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt has postponed parliamentary elections originally set to start in less than three weeks, after the country's highest court struck down one of the laws regulating the electoral process.

On Sunday morning, Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) ruled that the country’s Elections Constituency Division Law is unconstitutional.

Shortly after the SCC issued its ruling, a spokesman of the Higher Electoral Commission (HEC) said that the parliamentary elections, previously scheduled to start on 21 March, would be put on hold for the time being.

Sisi urges cabinet to amend unconstitutional parliamentary law within a month

01 Mar 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's president Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on Sunday urged the cabinet to amend a law regulating parliamentary elections, which the Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) ruled on Sunday were "unconstitutional", within a month.

Earlier in the day, the Higher Electoral Commision (HEC) put parliamentary elections previously set for March on hold, following a SCC ruling which deemed the Elections Constituency Division Law “unconstitutional.”

The Elections Constituency Division Law determines the number of voters per constituency and their representation.

Egypt postpones verdict on election laws constitutionality

25 Feb 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court adjourned on Tuesday the trial determining the constitutionality of the parliamentary elections laws to 1 March, as a verdict is expected to be returned next session.

The elections are expected to take place in March and April.

The court's board of commissioners had filed a report to a 12-judge panel in the court, saying there were "unconstitutional" articles in laws regulating parliamentary elections.

Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court to look into parliamentary elections laws

23 Feb 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) is expected to look into the constitutionality of three laws regulating the country's parliamentary elections on Wednesday, in a ruling that could delay voting set to start on 21 March.

March's parliamentary elections are the third and final step in a political roadmap set forth by the Egyptian army following the ouster of former Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013, after a vote to ratify the constitution in January 2014 and presidential elections in June 2014.

Comisión Electoral egipcia excluye candidatura de magnate cercano a Mubarak

22 Feb 2015

La Comisión Electoral de Egipcio excluyó hoy la candidatura a las elecciones parlamentarias presentada por magnate egipcio Ahmed Ezz, cercano al dictador Hosni Mubarak, informó la agencia de noticias egipcia, MENA.

El portavoz oficial de la Comisión, Omar Marauan, explicó en declaraciones recogidas por la agencia que "la exclusión de Ezz se debe a que no ha presentado una cuenta bancaria con los costes de su campaña (electoral), ni la declaración de su patrimonio ni la de su esposa".

Législatives : Un paysage politique fragmenté

18 Feb 2015
Al-Ahram Hebdo

Le compte à rebours a commencé. Le dépôt des candidatures qui s’est ouvert le 10 février permet aux candi­dats de déposer leur candidature pen­dant dix jours. La commission électorale a annoncé que les élections législatives se dérou­leront en deux étapes. La première les 22 et 23 mars pour les gouvernorats de Haute-Egypte, de la mer Rouge, Alexandrie, Marsa Matrouh et Guiza. Et la seconde étape se tiendra les 26 et 27 avril, et comprendra le gouvernorat du Caire, les gouvernorats de Basse-Egypte, le Sinaï et ceux du Canal.

Egipto amplía plazo para las candidaturas a las parlamentarias

17 Feb 2015
Hispan TV

La Comisión Electoral egipcia amplía dos días el plazo para presentar candidaturas para las elecciones parlamentarias. La ausencia de una oposición fuerte y la vuelta de los hombres del exdictador Hosni Mubarak, serán las claves de estos comicios que comenzarán en marzo y terminarán en mayo de este mismo año. 

Partidos y candidatos independientes apuran los últimos momentos para concurrir a las próximas elecciones parlamentarias. La Comisión Electoral ha ampliado el plazo hasta este jueves para presentar todos los documentos.

Campaign launched to increase Egyptian women's political know-how

01 Feb 2015
Egypt Independent
The National Council for Women (NCW) has launched a new campaign called “Egyptian woman: a step towards parliament…choose right” with the aim of raising Egyptian female voters’ awareness on the importance of their participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections and putting them on the right track in the voting process. 
The campaign kicked off on 1 February, touring all governorates and specifically targeting 100 women and girls in each electoral district. 

'Parliamentary elections will go ahead despite terrorist attacks': Sisi

01 Feb 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and leaders of Egypt's mainstream political parties stressed in a meeting on Sunday that the country's long-delayed parliamentary polls must go ahead as scheduled next March.

The meeting came a few days after at least 30 people were killed in coordinated militant attacks on Thursday in the restive North Sinai governorate, including army personnel and civilians.

Sabahi rejects boycott of Egypt's parliamentary elections

27 Jun 2014
Ahram Online Egypt

Former presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahi has said that boycotting parliamentary elections will not help the political situation, Aswat Masriya reported on Friday.

Leftist politician Sabahi, who is the founder of the Egyptian Popular Current, said "boycotting the parliamentary elections shows weakness and does not help the current political situation."

Parliamentary polls are set to start mid-July as per the Egyptian constitution, passed on 18 January.
