Haftar: I will liberate Sirte and Misrata; force awaits Serraj government if it allows foreign intervention

The Libya Observer
Fecha de publicación: 
31 Ene 2016

Being busy fighting “terrorism” and leading the so-called Dignity Operation as he claims, Khalifa Haftar found some time on his schedule to do an interview with the Saudi newspaper of Alyaum, which stated that it has chased the man for more than 6 moths until it won him in this interview.

By force of habit, as it is clear in his speeches, Haftar seems detached from reality to the extent that even his followers turned a deaf ear to his repetitive dates for the liberation of Benghazi, as he phrases it.

A surprise to none, here is Haftar again setting a new date for the liberation of Benghazi in just some days, promising to head to Sirte then to Misrata and after that go to the rest of the western region, holding in hand the torch of cleansing terrorism and enabling the military institution to play its normal role across all Libyan cities, as he told the newspaper.

Answering a question about his take on Serraj government, Haftar said that this government must support the army that he leads and mustn’t enlist help from foreign powers, however if it failed to obey these orders, he would fight it the same way he is fighting terrorism, as he claimed.

He also described Al-Mahdi Al-Burghathi, who is one of the senior leaders of Dignity Operation led by him, as unqualified to be a defense minister, saying that such a position requires a special kind of military leadership.

“Mohammed Al-Hijazi is just a dismissed soldier for immoral reasons, so some parties took advantage of his dismissal and made him say what he said.” Indicated Haftar as he was asked about Al-Hijazi’s statement.

Al-Hijazi  from Dignity Operation last week, accusing Khalifa Haftar of corruption and bloodshed.

Haftar, as usual, did not miss the chance to imply some praise for the ex-regime era of Gaddafi, saying that when Libya used to be ruled by the army, it was full of security and the country was thriving in spite of his political conflict with the ex-leadership, as he put it.

He also indirectly described February revolution as a conspiracy when he said, “Libya is undergoing a big conspiracy by all countries since February 2011, so we must know who to choose as our ally and the military institution must have a clear position in power and decision.”

Although he claimed to reject any foreign intervention and vowed to fight Serraj government if it enlisted help from foreign countries, Haftar welcomed, as always, any kind of Egyptian intervention to fight what he called “terrorism”.

“I promise all those who support me that a very pleasing surprise awaits them in the coming days.” Concluded Haftar, just as he began with promises of Benghazi liberation.





By The Libya Oberver



