
Albania Eyes Vote Recount in Contested Region

18 Jul 2013
Balkan Insight

The CEC on Wednesday approved the recount decision following appeals from both the Socialist-led coalition and the Democrats of outgoing Prime Minister Sali Berisha.

The Socialist seek a recount in six polling stations, arguing that there are discrepancies between the number of voters and the large number of votes cast. Meanwhile the Democrats have sought a recount at ten polling stations, where tabulation forms for the vote count were not original but were photocopied.

L’opposition appelle les autorités à cesser "l'instrumentalisation de l'IGE"

18 Jul 2013

En Mauritanie, le président en exercice de la Coordination de l'Opposition Démocratique (COD) Ahmed Ould Daddah, a appelé les autorités à cesser "l'instrumentalisation de l'Inspection Générale de l'Etat (IGE) et d’en faire un outil de règlement de comptes politiques". Il était en conférence de presse ce mercredi à Nouakchott.

La conférence était consacrée à la défense du président de la Communauté Urbaine de Nouakchott, Ahmed Ould Hamza, auquel une mise en demeure a été adressée pour "mauvaise gestion budgétaire" d’après un rapport de l’IGE, fuité dans la presse.

Ayatollah Khamenei appoints members to Iran’s Guardian Council

16 Jul 2013
Press TV

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has reappointed three Islamic jurist members of Iran’s Guardian Council and appointed a new jurist to the legislative and electoral supervisory body. In a decree issued on Tuesday, the Leader cited article 91 of the Iranian Constitution to reappoint Islamic jurist members Ayatollah Mohammad Mo’men, Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi and Ayatollah Seyyed Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi to another six-year term in the supervisory body.

Election timing renews debate over voters turnout

15 Jul 2013
Kuwait Times

With less than two weeks remaining for parliamentary elections set for July 27, the campaign headquarters of nearly 400 registered candidates are still deserted by voters while it was noticed that a notable number of candidates decided against setting up a main center for their campaigns. In this regard, observers said that the unusual lack of voter interest is most likely connected to the fact that this year’s elections are held during the summer and coincide with Ramadan, noting that people are mostly busy with visits that are likely to go on until the tenth day of the holy month.

Morsi’s fall disconcerts Qatar, comforts Saudis – Gulf fears Brotherhood would push radical, Islamist agenda

13 Jul 2013
Arabia Saudí
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Kuwait Times

RIYADH: The $12 billion in aid Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait offered Egypt this week showed their delight at the army’s ousting of President Mohamed Morsi in a reversal for Islamists empowered by the Arab ferment of 2011. It also marked a recalibration of power among Gulf Arab states which, with the notable exception of Qatar, had viewed the Arab uprisings as catastrophic for regional stability and feared the Muslim Brotherhood would use its domination of Egypt to push a radical, Islamist agenda in their own backyard.

El gobierno egipcio estrecha el cerco sobre los Hermanos Musulmanes

10 Jul 2013
El País

Estrechando su cerco sobre los líderes de los Hermanos Musulmanes, que hasta la semana pasada gobernaron el país, la fiscalía del nuevo gobierno de Egipto ordenó el miércoles el arresto del guía supremo, Mohamed Badie, y otros nueve cabecillas de esa sociedad islámica, acusándoles de haber instigado la violencia en una carga policial y militar ocurrida en la madrugada del lunes, en la
