Law 27 to clear Tripoli of armed groups in an orderly manner – Minister Muhairig

Libya Herald
Publication date: 
Jul 18 2013


Speaking as head of the Committee charged with implementing GNC Law No 27 regarding the clearing of Tripoli of armed groups, Electricity Minister Ali Muhairig said that his committee was independent.

Muhairig, speaking at Sunday’s press conference, said that his committee was not backed by any particular military group and was, therefore, able to negotiate with armed the groups present within Tripoli.

The Committee head said that there has been positive feedback from the armed groups and that the Committee aims to peacefully transform Tripoli into a peaceful area. He reiterated that the government would not leave a power vacuum once the armed groups had left. The government would occupy the vacant sites, the Minister explained.

The Minister said that he was working on a timeline and plan.

Minister Muhairig stressed that if there was no peace and security in Tripoli, there would be none for the rest of Libya.

Sharing the same press conference, Prime Minister Zeidan added that there is an audit of armed groups being carried out and that the armed groups will have a big part in the planned training (by the various western nations).




Sami Zaptia