Official name:
Tunisian Republic
Name in local language:
الجمهورية التونسية transliterated in English as al-Jumhuriyatu at-Tunisiya
Form of government:
Political system:
Semipresidential Democracy
- Founding date/ Date of independence: 1956
- Date of constitution/last reform: Adopted on January 26th 2014, replaces that of 1959 ammended many times.
- Form of state: Unitary, although the new Constitution enables the election of Regional Councils entitled with administrative and financial powers.
- Administrative divisions: 24 governorates
- Official language(s): Arabic
- Other spoken languages: French and Berber (small Southern areas)
- Minorities: Religious: Christians and Jews
- Dominant actor(s): trade union UGTT, islamist movement (Nahda), business and secular elites.
- Elected institutions of government: President, Government and Assembly of People Representatives (Maylis al-nuwab al-sha'ab).
- Non-elected institutions of government: regional governors and local authorities.
- Party system: two blocks system: one rather uniform created around the Islamist Movement and a quite fragmented secular block, spreading from left wing to centre to right wing parties.
Current authorities
- Head of state: Kais Saied, winner in second round of 13th October 2019 presidential polls after defeating Nabil Karoui.
- Head of government: Elyes Fakhfakh was designated on January 20th 2020 to form a new coalition government. Habib Jemli replaced former PM Youssef Chahed since November 2019,
- Minister of Foreign Affairs: Sabri Bach Tobji (interim)
- Minister of Interior: Hichem Fourati (interim)
- Head(s) of Legislative Branch: Rachid Ghannouchi, after legislative elections held on October 6th 2019.
- Composition of legislative branch: Results of the elections to the first democratic Asssembly (2nd Republic), October 2019
- Head of the Judiciary: pending formation of the Constitutional Court.
- Schematic representation of the political system: under construction
- Assembly of People Representatives
- Government
- Prime Minister Office
- Ministry of Interior
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- La Presse: One of the most widely-read French-language newspapers
- Echourouk: One of the most widely-read Arabic-language newspapers
- New Constitution Approved on January 26th 2014, replaces that of 1959
- Electoral Law (2014 Election Law)
- Official News Agency (TAP)
- Journal Officiel de la République Túnisienne (JORT) Official Gazette
- Instance Supérieure pour l'Indépendance des Élections (ISIE)
- Civil Society Actors involved in Election Affairs: ATIDE al-Bawsala al-Mourakibun Ligue des Electrices Tunisiennes