OPEMAM brings together more than 20 professional academics and experts in Arab and Muslim politics. Each member is a specialist in one or more of the countries covered by OPEMAM. From its early days when the project involved a mere handful of academics from the TEIM post-graduate research centre at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, OPEMAM's membership has expanded greatly to include specialists from a range of countries, the majority of whom are political scientists. The integration of new members to the OPEMAM team is subject to the needs of the project, as well as the expertise of potential candidates.
OPEMAM's members can be divided into three categories: the project's management team, research associates and external contributors.
Luciano Zaccara
Specialist in:Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
Scientific coordinator
Rafael Bustos
Specialist in:Algeria, Tunisia
Academic consultant
Bernabé López
Specialist in:Morocco
Research Associates
Abdulla Al-Khazraji
Specialist in:Iraq -
Ana Ballesteros
Specialist in:Pakistan -
Bosco Govantes
Specialist in:Tunisia -
Carmen Rodríguez
Specialist in:Turkey -
David Nievas
Specialist in:Mali -
Eva Estaún
Specialist in:Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Somalia -
Hanadi Mazloum
Specialist in:Syria -
Kazuto Matsuda
Specialist in:Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates
External Contributors
Amaia Goenaga
Specialist in:Lebanon -
Aranzazu Chacón
Specialist in:Sudan -
Bárbara Azaola
Specialist in:Egypt -
Beatriz Tome
Specialist in:Morocco -
Leyla Hamad
Specialist in:Oman, Yemen -
Maria Angeles A...
Specialist in:Sudan
Natalia Perez V...
Specialist in:Israel
Daniel Aguilar
Specialist in: -
Daniel Bashandeh
Specialist in:Iran -
Hicret Battaloglu
Specialist in:Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey -
Marta Lopez
Specialist in: -
Paloma Pinedo
Specialist in: -
Stephania Escorcia
Specialist in: -
Tabatha Romón
Specialist in: -
Thomas Bonnie James
Specialist in:Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates