Official name:
Federal Republic of Somalia
Name in local language:
Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya; جمهورية الصومال الفدرالية (Jumhuriyat as-Sumal al-Federaliya)
Form of government:
Political system:
Conflict situation
- Founding date/ Date of independence: 1 July 1960
- Date of constitution/reform: 1 August 2012
- Form of state: Federal
- Administrative divisions: As yet non-determined.
- Official language(s): Somali
- Other spoken languages: Arabic, English
- Official religion: Islam (non denominational)
- Minorities: Bantus / Minor clans (Rahanweyn)
- Dominant actor(s): Four main Somali clans
- Elected institutions of government: Local Authorities
- Non-elected institutions of government: Federal Parliament (elections forecast to take place in 2015-16), President, Government
- Party system: Without elected institutions, Somalia's fledgling multi-party system is as yet untested.
Current authorities
- Head of state: Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, since 8 February 2017
- Head of government: Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake, since December 2014
- Minister of Foreign Affairs: Fowsiyo yusuf Haji Aadan
- Minister of Interior: Abdikarim Hussein Guled
- Head(s) of Legislative Branch: Speaker of the Upper House of the Federal Parliament; Mohamed Oswan HJawari
- Composition legislative branch: Members appointed on a basis of a 4.5 formula (four main clans to have same number of seats and other minorities half)
- Head of the Judiciary: Aideed Ilka-Hanaf
- Schematic representation of the political system:
- President of Federal Government
- Federal Government
- Interior Ministry
- Foreign Affairs Ministry
- al-Banaadir - National language news website with English news section
- Jamhuuriyada- National language news website with English news section
- Constitution