Official name:
Lebanese Republic
Name in local language:
al-yumhuriatu al-lubnaniya, transliterated from Arabic الجمهورية اللبنانية
Form of government:
Political system:
- Founding date/ Date of independence:1920/ 1943
- Date of constitution/reform: 1926/1947/1990
- Form of state: Centralized
- Administrative divisions: 8 muhafadas or governatorates, divided in 26 cazas (qadhas) or provinces.
- Official language(s):Arabic
- Other spoken languages: French, English
- Official religion: The Constitution provides for freedom of religion and the freedom to practice all religious rites provided that the public order is not disturbed
- Minorities: Coexistence of 18 religious confessions, all considered minorities
- Dominant actor: Sectarian elites
- Elected Institutions: Parliament / President / municipal and provincial councils
- Non-Elected Institutions:
- Party System: Multiparty system newly tending to form two major national blocks
Autoridades actuales
- Head of State: Michel Aoun, since October 31st 2016.
- Head of government: Najib Mikati was dessignated as caretaker PM on July 26hth 2021, he managed to form a cabinet on 10th September 2021. Formerly, Hassan Diab, had replaced Saad Hariri in December 2019, following weeks of mass protests. His government resigned on August 4th after the blast in the port, but remained as caretaker since no alternative cabinet has been approved.
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Basil Gebran (since February 2014)
- Ministry of Interior: Nouhad Machnouk (since February 2014)
- Parliament Speaker: Nabih Berri, since 1992
- Parliament Composition: Link
- Head of Judiciary: Issem Sleiman (Constitutional Court)
- Diagram of the political system: Link
- Head of State: Presidency of the Republic
- Government
- Ministry of Interior (in Arabic)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Parliament (lower house) (in Arabic)
- Ministry of Justice
- Main National Newspaper (in Arabic): an-Nahar
- Main English Newspaper: Daily Star
- Other newspapers online: Naharnet
- Official News Agency, NNA (National News Agency)
- Constitution
- Electoral Law
- Official Journal: al-Jarida al-Rasmiyya (in Arabic)