Jadhran swears in his new Cyrenaican “cabinet”

Libya Herald
Publication date: 
Nov 03 2013

Ibrahim Jadhran (centre) with members of his "government"


Ibrahim Jadhran the eastern commander of Petroleum Facilities Guard and head of the self-styled Political Bureau of Cyrenaica,  has revealed his new cabinet.  Having declared the formation of a “government” for the region on 24 October, Jadhran today showed off its new members, all 24 of whom were sworn in in front of him at a ceremony in Ajdabiya.

The PBC is a rival to the Cyrenaica Transitional Council, whose president  is Ahmed Zubair Al-Senussi.  Senussi said last week that he had tried the work with the PBC to produce a united front but that Jadhran had proved inflexible and intent on pursuing his own agenda.



Ashraf Abdul Wahab


