
Egyptian Reform: A Coup and Presidential Election to Restore Authoritarianism?

Jun 23 2014
Huffington Post

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Egypt's former military chief, who led the coup that toppled Egypt's first democratically elected civilian president Mohamed Morsi, was sworn in as president on June 8, 2014. Amidst a continued climate of fear and intimidation, the new "alleged democratic elected" government continued to arrest and imprison critics of the regime, regardless of faith or political ideology and in particular to eradicate the Muslim Brotherhood based on the claim that it is a terrorist organization.

Los preparativos para legislativas egipcias empezarán antes del 18 de julio

Jun 22 2014
La Vanguardia

Los preparativos para las próximas elecciones parlamentarias en Egipto empezarán antes del próximo 18 de julio, siguiendo con la hoja de ruta trazada desde la destitución militar de Mohamed Mursi, informó hoy la Presidencia de ese país.

El presidente egipcio, Abdelfatah al Sisi, informó hoy de esos planes al secretario de Estado estadounidense, John Kerry, en el encuentro que ambos mantuvieron en El Cairo.


Un tribunal egicio confirma la pena a muerte para el líder de Hermanos Musulmanes y otros 196 seguidores

Jun 21 2014
La Vanguardia

El tribunal penal de la ciudad egipcia de Minia condenó hoy a muerte a 183 seguidores de los Hermanos Musulmanes, entre ellos el líder de la cofradía, Mohamed Badía, por el asesinato de un policía e incitación a la violencia, informó la agencia estatal de noticias Mena.

La fuente señaló que otros 496, sobre un total de 683 acusados, fueron absueltos, mientras que cuatro personas recibieron una sentencia de cadena perpetua.

The Muslim Brotherhood: Cut off at the roots

Jun 20 2014
Ahram Online Egypt

In Contrast to President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi’s overtures to Muslim Brotherhood members not involved in violence in the post-30 June 2013 period, the government is continuing to follow through on policies aimed at politically eliminating the Islamist organisation and cutting off its sources of funding. Most recently the Teachers and Pharmacists Syndicates, long time political platforms for the Brotherhood, were sequestrated. Earlier this week the assets of Zad and Seoudi supermarket chains, owned by leading Brotherhood members Khairat Al-Shater and Abdel-Rahman Seoudi, were seized.

Pro-Sisi coalition to run for 100% of parliament seats

Jun 16 2014
Aswat Masriya

The "Independence Current" that backs Egypt's new President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi will run for all of the seats in the upcoming parliamentary elections. 

In a conference on Sunday, the coalition said it will run for the 420 seats, adding that its manifesto is based on believing in the principles of the January 25 and June 30 uprisings as well as the importance of social democracy and social justice, the state news agency said. 

They added that one of their purposes is also to prevent Islamists and corruption figures from reaching the next parliament. 

Egypt's political groups to attend protest law constitutional challenge court session

Jun 16 2014
Ahram Online Egypt

Several Egyptian political groups have called on opponents of the protest law to head in numbers to Egypt's State Council on Tuesday to attend the second court session of a case challenging the constitutionality of the controversial law.


The case was originally brought by the Egyptian Centre for Economic and Social Right -- founded by rights lawyer and former leftist presidential candidate Khaled Ali -- to demand authorities to rescind the law that heavily restricts protests.


Egypt cabinet formation delayed as PM continues talks

Jun 15 2014
Aswat Masriya

The expected formation of Egypt's new cabinet has been held up after several candidates turned down offers of ministerial positions from Prime Minister Ibrahim Melheb, two government sources said on Sunday.

Melheb is forming a new government following President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's election victory last month. He had not been expected to make sweeping changes, and officials had said he would unveil his new cabinet on Sunday.

But government sources said on Sunday evening the premier was still trying to fill several portfolios.

Cheering for Sisi, patriotic crowds return to Tahrir Square

Jun 08 2014
Al Arabiya News

He’s 79-years-old, frail and a recent widower, but today he surrounded himself with the blaring sounds of celebratory horns, speakers blasting out hip-shaking tunes and spirited crowds.

The man, who goes by the name of Abu Ashraf and lives in Cairo, was standing at the city’s iconic Tahrir Square on Sunday, just hours after President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was sworn in and officially became the country’s seventh president.
