Respublika party

  • Name:Respublika party, Party Republic.
  • Year founded:2010.
  • Ideology: Liberal, right-wing.
  • Leader and functions: Omurbek Babanov, MP.
  • Number of seats in Parliament:23                                                            
  • In government or in opposition: In opposition.
  • Legal Status:Legal Party.
  • Link;
  • Observaciones: The leader is Omurbek Babanov, a wealthy businessman and former First Vice Prime Minister (he supported Atambayev in the presidential election but furtherly he was expelled of the government coalition). It is a right-wing party based on the principles of nationhood, progress, cooperation, equality and responsibility, Eurasian vector of development and economic prosperity. The party does not refer to the North-South divide and is quite popular among the youth. It is perceived as the richest party with the most expensive political campaigning. During the Parliamentary elections in 2010 it faced multiple allegations of direct and indirect votebuying.