Workers' Party

  • Name - Original language & name in English: حزب العمال (Arabic), Parti des Travailleurs (French), Workers' Party (English)
  • Year founded: 1990
  • Ideology: Trotskyist, Nationalist
  • Current leader & function: Louisa Hanoune (general secretary)
  • Number of seats in parliament (lower house): 24
  • Currently in government or in opposition: In opposition
  • Legal status: Legal political party
  • Link to official party website
  • Observations: The Workers' Party is probably the best example of an "approved" opposition party in Algeria. It has moved from the apparently staunch independent Trotskyist party of the early 90's, vehemently opposed to the regime's anti-Islamist "erradication" policies, towards an ambiguous, pro-Bouteflika but often anti-government position. Its leader for over two decades is Louisa Hanoune, who ran for president in 2004 and 2009 (although not "against" Bouteflika).