117,797 Jeddawis to vote at 109 polling stations

Arab News
Publication date: 
Dec 11 2015

JEDDAH: All preparations have been completed for the municipal elections in Jeddah on Saturday.
This is according to Hani Abu Ras, the city’s mayor and head of the local elections committee, who said voting would take place at 109 election centers from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Abu Ras urged the 113,204 male voters and 4,593 female voters in Jeddah to exercise their right to select the best candidate for the municipal council, to help improve services in the city and surrounding areas, said a media report on Thursday.
The local committee for municipal elections had designated Friday as the last day for campaigning by candidates. Election monitors have been conducting inspections throughout Jeddah to ensure everyone complies and candidates remove all campaign material from public places.
According to Abu Ras, lack of compliance by candidates would result in penalties, as determined by the local committee, while the committee would remove the materials at the expense of the candidate.
The elections cover 10 electoral circuits in Jeddah and 15 circuits in surrounding areas. All electoral processes are being held in line with plans prepared by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, the report stated.


Fuente: http://www.arabnews.com/featured/news/848806