Felix Kulov: Next coalition of parliamentary majority, probably, to consist of four factions

24.kg News Agency
Publication date: 
Mar 19 2014

"The next coalition of parliamentary majority, probably, will consist of four factions," the Leader of Ar-Namys faction Felix Kulov said to 24.kg news agency.

According to him, after exit of Ata Meken from the alliance, being the head of disintegrated Yrys aldy Yntymak coalition, he announced about its dissolution and sent corresponding official notice to the Spokesman Asylbek Zheenbekov and the President Almazbek Atambaev. "After the Head of the Government signs this notice, he will give a mandate to one of the factions for forming new coalition during three working days. I think three factions will definitely enter it, SDPK, Ar-Namys and Ata Meken, plus, probably, one more faction. But I don't know whom the President Almazbek Atambaev will entrust to form new alliance to, I don't tell fortunes," Felix Kulov noted.  

Recall, Yrys aldy Yntymak coalition disintegrated at the initiative of Ata Meken faction, which exited it on March 18. The collation was formed in September 2012 and consisted of three factions - SDPK, Ata Meken and Ar-Namys.


Source/Fuente: http://www.eng.24.kg/parliament/169522-news24.html