Prime Minister can dismiss displeased ministers without endorsement of coalition factions leaders

Source: News Agency
Publication date: 
Apr 07 2014

The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Dzhoomart Otorbayev can dismiss displeased ministers without agreement of leaders of coalition factions, the parliament reported to news agency.

The leader of Ar-Namys faction Felix Kulov told, according to coalition agreement the Prime Minister should inform the leaders of faction about dismissal of a parliamentary member, but he will make a decision by himself. "No coordinations and preliminary consultations. Dismissed and that is all. We can only recommend someone else," he noted and reminded about the right of veto. 

Recall, the new coalition "For strengthening of statehood" was formed in the Parliament, which includes Ata Meken, SDPK, Ar-Namys factions. The parliament approved the new government headed by Dzhoomart Otorbayev and approved his program and structure on April 3.

