- Name - Original language & name in English: التكتل الديمقراطي من أجل العمل والحريات, at-Takattul ad-Dīmuqrāṭī min ajl il-‘Amal wal-Ḥurriyyāt (Arabic), Ettakatol – Forum démocratique pour le travail et les libertés (French), Ettakatol - Democratic Forum for Labour and Liberties (English)
- Year founded: 1994, not legalised until 2002
- Ideology: Left-wing, Secular
- Current leader & function: Mustapha Ben Jaafar (general secretary)
- Number of seats in Constituent Assembly: 20 originally, several MPs have quit (see observations)
- Currently in government or in opposition: In government
- Legal status: Legal political party
- Link to official party website:
- Observations: One of the few genuine opposition parties legalised under Ben Ali, Ettakatol won 20 seats in the 2011 Constituent Assembly Elections and went on to join the coalition government, its leader Ben Jaafar becoming Head of the Constituent Assembly. The party has seen the exodus of several of its MPs over 2012 out of dissatisfaction with its role in the coalition.