Al Badil
- Name - Original language & name in English: حزب العمال التونسي (Arabic), Tunisian Workers' Party (English). Known until July 2012 as the Workers' Communist Party of Tunisia (see observations)
- Year founded: 1986, not legalised until 2011.
- Ideology: Extreme-left
- Current leader & function: Hamma Hammami (general secretary)
- Number of seats in Constituent Assembly: 3 seats
- Currently in government or in opposition: In opposition
- Legal status: Legal political party
- Link to official party website:
- Observations: The PCOT, as it was called until 2012, existed in clandestinity (particularly in university circles) throughout the Ben Ali years, its leaders frequently imprisoned. In July 2012, unhappy about its result in the 2011 Constituent Assembly elections, the party decided to remove "Communist" from its name. In October 2012 the PTT led a new initiative creating a coalition of so-far 12 mostly left-wing parties called the Popular Front.